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Click here to read the original post at ConversionDiary.com

I am well-rested and unaware of any weddings going on in British cities.

My aunt got an invitation for a DVR viewing of the Royal Wedding, hats and gloves preferred.

I can’t help but spend some energy praying that these two young monarchs make it. We don’t need another public divorce discrediting the institution of marriage.


I know 1/3 of the people in this video titled, “We Got a Pope” (based on the song “I’m on a boat” — which I’ve never heard of). Please enjoy:

Hat tip to Sarah, Jackie and Kassie.

I’ve raved about Sr. Lisa before, but here I go again. Hop over to her order’s blog pageto see her write up of a speech she made to young women at a retreat.

It seems many people (cough, cough, Bright Maidens included) are recognizing the void we have in our Church for reaching out to young women. Young women, if they learn and foster self-respect, can make a big impact on this world. They can hold men accountable and use their compassion to better the world. True girl power!

Speaking of the Bright Maidens!
Remember to write your own post that matches the prompt, “Why Mary?” for this Tuesday, May 3. You can go anywhere with this prompt, the only rules are you need to post it to the Bright Maidens’ Facebook page, keep it clean, and link back to the Bright Maidens page in your post.
How cool does he look?
I will be going to my very first NASCAR race this weekend. I have some idea of what I can expect, but I’m more excited about the things I will see that will surprise me.
Of course, I will have my handy notebook with me (I carry a notepad and a pen with me wherever I go. Seriously, everywhere) and I will take copious notes.

My date likes Jeff Gordon so the stubborn in me wants to cheer for Jimmie Johnson.
Now the most important issue: What should I wear?

I have been known by the following names:

Liz I.E.

and most recently, E.

Thank you, Julie and Trista! My poor little 5-year-old self should have thought of this the first time I tried to write my nine-letter name.